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This was published in 2018 in the Journal of Sex Research

This was published in 2018 in the Journal of Sex Research

Jase: I did bring it up a little bit in the comments section when we took a little break, but that wasn’t the core focus of it, so I didn’t want to completely derail it for that, but yes, I did try to bring it up to be like, Hey, I’m having a problem with some of the ways you’re talking about gender here.

Dedeker: The researchers were curious to understand if there’s a relationship between engaging in infidelity and the development of adulthood

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Emily: Yes. Well, all right. I think the question is, why do people cheat? Because I think many of us have been in a situation where this comes up or we’re around people who have cheated. It is prevalent in our society. We wanted to look at some reasons why people cheat and then also are the reasons why non monogamous people cheat similar to those in traditional relationships?