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Maybe I love Montreux, which is like this, you know, French stand-up comedy gathering

Maybe I love Montreux, which is like this, you know, French stand-up comedy gathering

Katie: Yeah, I love that

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Let’s talk about stress, for example. If you’re really stressed, really anxious, you can get angry at something as well. You can try to find something that really annoys you and get mad at it. Just make a fuss about something as a mom. And that’s going to get you out of your anxious zone, out of your stress zone. And it’s very positive. Another one I find really, really good that I personally do, sometimes you go through family things that are really difficult. And I found my way through stand-up comedies. And you just, you know, take, again, you go on YouTube this time. There’s like lots in the world. And you find your best stand-up comedian people. And it’s 10 minutes of your time. It just makes you laugh. It changes your breathing pattern.